About Dallas Urbanists

What is Dallas Urbanists STLC?

Dallas Urbanists STLC is a group based in Dallas, Texas and composed of people who care about making our city a better place to live, work, and play for everybody. Our group aligns with the New Urbanism movement, and we are an instance of what Strong Towns calls a "Local Conversation" (LC), whose purpose is to connect nearby, like-minded advocates to put Strong Towns ideas into action where we live.

What is Strong Towns?

Strong Towns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit media advocacy organization. They produce content that analyzes the failures of the post-war North American development pattern while giving citizens the knowledge and tools to start making our places better today.

What do Dallas Urbanists want?

While there are countless ways to make our city better, Dallas Urbanists have 3 key areas of concern.

More Walkability

We hold this as the highest lead measure of success for a city because it cannot be achived without good urbanism in every other measure. Walkability begins with having complete sidewalks, but it doesn't end there. A walkable city has safe streets, reliable public transit, comprehensive bicycle networks, clean air, smart urban design, and human-scale density. Urbanists want walkability because it's the foundation for healthy, happy, and sustainable communities.

Less Car-Dependence

We have no problem with people owning and operating private automobiles, and we recognize their inherent necessity for certain professions and lifestyle choices. However, car-dependence is the opposite of independence. Our city isn't equitable if the price of participation is $900/month in car expenses. Our city isn't diverse when we leave behind 33% of population who can't drive. To achieve independence from cars, we need a variety of safe and reliable transportation options.

Greater Affordability

[Currently being written]

Who are Dallas Urbanists?

In casual conversation

Just as there's no universal standard for what it means to be a "good person," we don't gatekeep on who may call themselves a "Dallas urbanist." We don't have an urbanist creed; some people consider themselves "more urbanist" than others. In any case — whether you live in a high-density apartment or a sprawling subdivision — anyone whose beliefs generally align with the New Urbanism movement and agrees with Strong Towns principles can be considered an urbanist.

STLC Members

Ready to join Dallas Urbanists STLC? Become an official member in two easy steps:

  • Submit and submit our membership form
  • Make a monthly donation to Strong Towns

STLC Leaders

Currently, our group has two Local Conversation leaders: Hexel Colorado and Travis Rose. But we'd like to have more! To become a Local Conversation (LC) leader, begin by enrolling in the online training course at Strong Towns Academy.

Beyond the Local Conversation

Half of what we do as Dallas Urbanists is in collaboration with one or more of the other grassroot groups in Dallas that are putting in the time and effort to make Dallas more walkable, bike-friendly, transit-oriented, and affordable city. Though they exist independently from Dallas Urbanists STLC, we encourage you to browse our catalog of other urbanist organizations to find one or two focused on your personal interests.

History of Dallas Urbanists

It's difficult to pick any one person as the first Dallas urbanist. Was it Patrick Kennedy when he started his blog Car Free in Big D in 2009? Or was it George Kessler when he wrote the Kessler Plan for the City of Dallas in 1909? Or was it John Neely Bryan when he founded Dallas with the original intent of being a tradepost between settlers and the native Caddo people in 1841?

Over the past 20 years, several individuals and organizations have p

In October 2024, Dallas Urbanists took its first steps toward becoming a Strong Towns Local Conversation (STLC).